Experience the aromas and spices of Goa

Nahush Bargi Goa "A trip to the Tropical Spice Market was such a learning experience. I never knew that there was actually a five spice tree/plant. I was always under the impression that five spice was a mixture of five spices."

Remember, India is the land of spices? What better than getting a taste of it in Goa, which boasts of several spice plantations spread across the state! The Savoi plantation, Abyss Spice Plantation, Sahakari Spice Farm, Pasco Spice Village and Rustic Plantation are beautiful plantations that grow an assortment of rich spices but it is the Tropical Spice Plantation that stands out with the unique experience it offers.   

Once you park your vehicle, you walk down a beautiful bridge suspended over still waters, and that leads

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Experiences in Goa


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